The 5 Questions Podcast

Unlocking International Real Estate Success and Mindset Mastery with Billie Aadmi

August 07, 2024 Mario Lamarre Season 2024 Episode 4

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Unlock the secrets of international real estate success and personal transformation with Billie Aadmi. This episode promises to reveal how a crucial mindset shift allowed Billie to see herself as a real estate investor, paving the way for her global achievements. We’ll explore the critical role of self-belief in realizing your goals and discuss how deeply ingrained feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy, often stemming from childhood, can be monumental barriers. By addressing and overcoming these mental hurdles, Billie illustrates how you can unlock your true potential and experience significant personal and professional breakthroughs.

Ever wondered about the untapped power of your unconscious mind? We delve into how aligning your conscious and unconscious intentions can help dissolve internal conflicts, fostering a more successful, harmonious life. Billie shares practical strategies for creating new neural pathways to adopt productive behaviors, offering tips on how to juggle high-demand roles such as real estate investing and mindset coaching. We also touch on the benefits of passive income streams, including AI day trading, to achieve financial freedom. Our engaging Q&A wraps up the episode, providing you with valuable knowledge on real estate and business strategies. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell on our YouTube channel for more expert tips and transformative advice.

Speaker 1:

Now you can be whoever the hell you want, and so who do you want to be?

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the 5 Questions Podcast, where we unlock real estate and business insights one question at a time. Really excited for today's show. First of all, welcome to the 5 Questions podcast. I am your host, mario Lamar, and our guest today. She is an international real estate investor, a mindset coach and a successful entrepreneur. Welcome to the show, billie Admi. Thank you for being on the show, billie.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having me, mario. I'm so excited. Thank you for being on the show. Billie, thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

Mario, I'm so excited. So, billie, the concept of the podcast is very simple Five questions about real estate or business in general, and we get right into it, you ready?

Speaker 1:

Let's go.

Speaker 2:

All right. First question you are a real estate investor. Okay, Can you?

Speaker 1:

share with us maybe a pivotal moment or a deal that significantly impacted your real estate investing journey. Well, I want to say that the first thing that really impacted my real estate investing journey was switching my mindset. Because I was. I was I didn't even consider myself an investor, and I had owned almost five property about five properties at the time, and I still never considered myself a real estate investor until I went to the multifamily conference and started learning a little bit more about it. I was doing my own mindset training at the time, and when I went through my own breakthrough, I realized that I need to first shift my mindset to actually believe that I am a real estate investor, because I don't have the belief. Nothing else comes after that. So if I believe I'm just someone that owns a few properties, then that's all I am is someone that owns a few properties. So if I believed that I'm a real estate investor, I own that, and within a few months after that, I became an international real estate investor.

Speaker 1:

And one of the most pivotal deals that really showed me that I was just getting in my own way was when I went to a networking event and I learned about Tulum and, as you know, I'm a big investor in Tulum, a big proponent for investing there. I'm a big investor in Toledo, a big proponent for investing there. And I started asking myself, well, why would I believe that one day I'm going to have a place in Mexico? Why can't that one day be now? What's stopping me? And as I started looking more into it and looking into solutions, as opposed to what we say, like being here on Victim Island about well, what if this happens and what if that happens? And all these negativities. Well, what if this happens and what if that happens? And all these negativities. Well, what if this could happen? And what if? What if I could be an international real estate investor? What if I could own a beautiful villa in Tulum for me and my children?

Speaker 1:

Well, what if and so I went that route because I changed my mindset to go that way and now I own my second property in Tulum. So that was one of the most pivotal deals for me, that really I was just getting in my own way. Nobody else was, it was just me.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, it's safe to say that it wasn't a specific deal, but a mindset shift that took you to the next level, because, it wasn't the actual property or the real estate deal that was going to make me believe I was a real investor.

Speaker 1:

I had to believe I'm a real estate investor, and then the deals came. You see, it wasn't backwards. I had to believe it first in order for it to happen.

Speaker 2:

That's great. That's great. Brings us to our second question being a mindset coach, what are the most common, maybe mindset barriers that you see with your clients, and how do you help them overcome these barriers?

Speaker 1:

Well, we all share some core, core limiting beliefs, and it's usually a combination or one of not good enough, unworthy, unlovable or powerless. And when it comes to real estate, a lot of us don't believe that we're good enough or that we're smart enough or that we have the ability to actually do the things that we want to do. Oh, that's just for those. You know the big wigs, that's not for me. That's your own self-limiting belief. And so, if we can deal with that first, well, where does that come from? And it usually comes from childhood. Most always comes from childhood.

Speaker 1:

Something happened, you know, a parent yelled at you or a teacher yelled at you and you started believing that you weren't good enough or you weren't smart enough. You know, like someone at school made you feel dumb and you just started having this root belief that you weren't smart enough, and that carries throughout our life and that creates different strategies that we now use to do our adult life, and what we need to do is what we do with our clients. Is we undo all that. Let's get rid of those self-limiting beliefs. What were you supposed to learn in that situation that actually created that decision? Well, I was supposed to learn X, Y Z, and now I can learn that and move past it and now actually rewire my neurology to be like, yeah, I am good enough. That one incident when I was six years old does not determine who I am.

Speaker 2:

That one incident when I was six years old does not determine who I am. I really like the fact that it's not because you're in one situation that you cannot change, with some help, the way you think or the way you view things and go totally in a different direction. This is great information.

Speaker 1:

It's just programming right. Like if we were brought up in poverty, we have poverty programs. If we were brought up in a wealthy family, we have wealthy programs. That's why a lot of people that are born in poverty stay there, because it's the same programs that are running and that's why we have those stories. Like Will Smith, by the way, he's NLP trained he says that his family never told him.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter where you start, it matters where you're going. And so if you have that mentality that I'm not going to be sitting here on victim Island, well, because you know, I used to believe this, like because I'm East Indian, because I'm a female, I'm not going to be able to be a strong business woman. I'm not going to be able to be a real estate investor, cause that was for the men, that was the man's job. Except that little voice, which now I know is my higher self, was always saying like no, no, that's not you. And I finally started listening to it more. And as we grow older, you know we call it the midlife awakening. Some people call it a crisis. We call it an awakening. It's your waking up to who you truly are, not who media or family or society told you you were when you were six years old. Now you can be whoever the hell you want, and so who do you want to be? We can undo all that and then rewire it to go towards wherever you want to go.

Speaker 2:

That's great. Brings us to our third question being a, you know you have a mindset coach business. You have your real estate business. What are the biggest challenges you face in scaling your different businesses and how do you overcome it?

Speaker 1:

Well, it actually is just this. It's having to deal with people's own self-suffering beliefs, and that's why I loved that I get to join both of those worlds the real estate investing and the mindset Because people that have known me have seen my transition and seen how I've grown, so I'm my biggest walking testimonial. Once you shift your mindset, you can do anything you want, and so usually when I'm working with people, it's you know, it's that whole thing. You don't know what you don't know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people don't understand how the unconscious mind works. I didn't. I had no idea. I just knew there was a little voice. I had no idea the power of it's the 90% of your brain.

Speaker 1:

So if we can learn to access that 90%, where all those resources are, that recipe that we've been given to, given to live our fullest potential in this lifetime, it's all there already. It's just a matter of how can we access it. So when you learn how to access it, ie through the unconscious mind, which is why we say that we're bringing the conscious and the unconscious mind in alignment so that they're playing for the same team. So it's not that I want to be a big real estate investor and I want to do this, and then the unconsciously you're saying, well, I'm not smart enough and I and that's not for me, it's they're, they're working against each other, so we want to bring them into alignment. So the biggest challenge I have is explaining to people why that's important and how important that is because consciously they don't know, cause it's not.

Speaker 1:

You don't know what you don't know, so it's not. You don't know what you don't know, so it's one of those things like, well, you just have to kind of trust a little bit, and every client I work with you know one of the reasons we guarantee our results is because we're dealing with neurology. People don't understand the concept of. What does that mean? Well, anytime you have an aha, something you've never thought of before, you just created a new neural pathway and so we can train your brain to start going different ways, like I've been going this way my entire life. If we can train it to go this way, then we have to upgrade those programs so that you can upgrade your life. You know, it's like that definition of insanity.

Speaker 1:

You can't get different results by doing the same thing. You know, we're always updating our phones with these programs. Well, we got to update this too. If we want to get better up here and in life, we have to get better up here first, and then it will translate with our results.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, overcoming our own challenges starts within ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Has to start, has to start. You know, and again, this is just a program where you know that whole be, do, have thing People are always working on. Well, I want to have this, I want to have the perfect body, I want to have the perfect relationship, I want to have the perfect business, I want to have the perfect amount of money in my bank account, and then I'll do the things I want to do so I can be the person I want to be. We have to be the person we want to bee. The brain has to believe it and actually live that way, so then we can do the things we want to do. Our, our behavior, it actually aligns with our, our thoughts, and then the having will actually come, the results will come. We can't do it back, we have to do it forward. It's way easier.

Speaker 2:

That way it it sounds easy, but you got it. You probably got a great formula.

Speaker 1:

It actually did and I got this button because I've heard this so many times. Really, is it that easy? I'm like yeah, it is. We have this crazy big number. It's 10 to the 10th to the 11th power of neurological connections in our body. That's how many opportunities we have to change our brain. So when people are like I can't change, I'm like no, then you're just really, really stubborn because you really have that many opportunities to change.

Speaker 2:

Wow, let's. Let's move on to question number four Combining those roles. Okay, we talked about real estate, investor, mindset coach, entrepreneur Do you have any systems or routines that essentially manages multiple high demand roles? You know because, as an investor, well, you got tenants to manage. You got, you know, property managers to manage In your mindset coach? You probably have. You know, I don't know all the ins and outs of that, but you have different things to manage ins and outs of that, but you have different things to manage. Is there any systems or routines that you do yourself to manage those things effectively?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a great question. I have decided in my real estate career to do more passive investing, ie have my money work for me. As I mentioned, I'm a single mom, so I want the real estate income to be passive income so that it pays the bills. The coaching is my service to the world, and so the money is an exchange of energy, of course. Exchange of energy, of course. However, that's where the systems really come in.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, having the CRMs and having you know the structure of the business which I am working on this year building, and, in the meantime, I'm looking for the real estate investments that you know your money works for you.

Speaker 1:

You're making money while you sleep. Like you know, one of the strategies I use is AI day trading, and you know I'm making money while you sleep. That's the ultimate dream is having money work for you so that you don't have to trade your dollars for hours, and that's one of the reasons I became a trainer is because my mentality is I don't want to just give you a fish so you eat for a day. I want to teach you how to fish so you can eat for life. Teach you how to fish so you can eat for life and that's why I teach people these modalities as opposed to I mean, I do work one-on-one and it's it's. I just want to get to as many people as I can. So if I can teach you how to do these modalities that now you can use for the rest of your life and I believe they're life skills Like I use them with my children, I'm a better mom because of it. You know I'm still single, but when I'm in a relationship I'll, you know I'll be a better relationship partner.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure after that, this popular podcast, you're going to maybe have some invitations. So so, basically, you would say, okay, you use some tools, um, as like CRM, uh, you know, to help you on your day to day to be effective, maybe with the real estate, even the mindset coach, using AI. You started using that for your day trading, or Okay, so so using the tools that are available, maybe on the web or or with different platforms, that helps you to be more effective.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, with social media, your reach is like infinite, right, and in today's world, when you know, I think they're saying is like our attention span is like 3.7 seconds, which is like half of a goldfish. Now, like, you have to be providing lots of value, right, and a lot of this type of work. It's about building trust, right, and a lot of my clients that come to me is because they're magnetized to who I am as a person and what I stand for and how I show up in the world. I walk the walk and I talk the talk. So, providing a lot of value, that's what people need and social media is amazing for this. Like, that's why people are doing all these podcasts and people are picking up little bits of information. So, the more I do value and you've seen my social media, I do lots of quick, little you know tips on. Well, hey, just think of this something Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, a little shift in your way of thinking can literally change the entire trajectory of your life. That's what happened to me. I met a hypnotherapist and I was like unconscious mind, what? And it sent me down this path and here I am, and so it's just learning how to manage your time to provide that value with as much impact as you can.

Speaker 2:

Right Now it brings us to question number five, our last question. And so you use these different tools to be more effective because you're very, very busy, right, but how do you stay motivated and how do you continue to push yourself to new heights in both, maybe, your personal life, but you're also your professional life?

Speaker 1:

That's an easy answer. If you are not motivated when you get up in bed to do the thing that you're doing, it just simply means you're not doing the right thing. Because that is, if you are doing something just to get ahead, then you have to work consciously on that willpower to get up and do it. If it's something like this, that it feels like it's your passion, it's your mission in life, that's your purpose, your service to the world, it doesn't feel like work. You know I love real estate because for one, you know it helps people live right. Everybody has needs a roof to live. Under. Mindset, I mean the amount, I mean that's why I was a police officer for almost 20 years was because I wanted to give back, I wanted to serve, and it never felt like a job until it did. And that's why now I'm shifting, because policing was not fulfilling me the way and I wanted to be fulfilled. So if you're not feeling fulfilled and you're not feeling that drive to get up in the morning to go to work, it just simply means you're not in the right place. And that doesn't mean go quit, right. That just means the universe is saying if you're not getting this fulfillment, if you're not happy, it's giving you a clue that maybe we should start pivoting and go towards something else and start exploring. Well, what kind of things I know.

Speaker 1:

If you would have told me this is what I was going to be doing for a living is teaching people about their unconscious mind I would have laughed in your face. I'm like I don't even know what that means. And now I found it Because I explored it. So when things you know, when people say, well, that kind of resonated with me, it's because that free resonation is about frequency, so something is is resonating at that same frequency. That means it's working for you.

Speaker 1:

So go explore it. That's the universe saying, hey, go, go check, go check that out a little bit. Maybe that's where you're meeting You're meant to be. So if little things are leading you down a path, that's the universe giving you clues that this is where you're meant to do. You know everything serves a purpose. My, my 20 years of policing has allowed me now you know, to deal with people's trauma now to heal it, which is really powerful because I can hold that space. So don't discount what you're doing. You're learning lessons and everything that we're doing and it's all leading you towards where you're meant to be, as long as you listen to that little voice in your head.

Speaker 2:

So the lesson here if it doesn't excite you anymore, you got to start looking for maybe another challenge until you stay. If you're motivated, like you said, when you get up out of bed, you're on the right track.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're supposed to always be growing and evolving, right? If you're not growing, you're decaying. So when you get to that level where you're like, okay, life is just whatever that, if you're not growing, you're decaying. So when you get to that level where you're like, okay, life is just whatever, that means you're starting to decay. That's being okay. Now it's time to challenge, like you said. Challenge yourself and learn to grow, because we're there, we're meant to grow, we're meant to evolve. That's what the spirit and the soul is all about. It's about evolution, and so if you're just plateaued and your life is boring and you're not feeling excited, that means it's time for you to go find something that actually excites you.

Speaker 2:

Billy, I'm really thankful for the time you gave us today. These are five quick questions, but I was able to pick your brain and really thankful for the time you gave us. So thank you for being on the five questions podcast and hopefully we'll talk soon.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye. Thanks for tuning into the five questions podcast. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, like and hit the notification bell on our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode. Stay tuned for more insights and tips to transform your real estate and business game. See you next time.